Money is such an important part of everyday life, yet nobody is ever taught how to manage their finances effectively. So it's not surprising that money worries are one of the biggest causes of stress. We're here to help you feel calmer, more in control and confident about any financial decision you make.
As a first step, we ask each new client if they wish to approach a SEBI registered Investment advisor to complete their financial Management. In next step we complete a confidential KYC questionnaire that serves as their introduction to The Financial Mall. A partner and a senior member of the team would then have a face-to-face meeting with the client to delve into greater detail about his or her individual situation and to fully understand their personal goals and objectives, investment horizon, and risk tolerance or a Financial Plan if any. After formalizing the relationship we will provide a seamless execution of their desired investments.
In the Execution of the Investment, we look at
- Client’s entire financial picture, outline and recommendations suggested by his or her SEBI registered Investment advisor.
- We check the KYC & FATCA compliance and determine whether the client's investment portfolio is best executed for mutual funds, separately managed accounts directed by outside money managers, or a combination of the two.
- For mutual fund portfolios, we will provide him a tool where he can assess his target asset allocation, such as the mix between equities, fixed income, cash equivalents, and alternative investments as well as an allocation between domestic and foreign securities.
- Depending on the client's needs and desires we also provide an automated tool where he or she can look in detail their goals performance or other matters of importance.
- If applicable, we will assist a review and make recommendations of appropriate professional for the client's estate documents, perform a retirement analysis or insurance needs assessment, recommend various savings vehicles, and/or identify ways to achieve goals, among other services.
After Completing the Execution,
- We provide log in credential to clients where they can view and transact on their portfolio.They can handle the implementation; usually with only a minimal amount of intervention required.
- We oversee the client's investment data on an ongoing basis and ensure the data is safe and accurate.
- Ongoing Investments support is a core part of our service
- We recommend face-to-face meetings at least once a year to review any changes in the client's service requirements and to monitor and adjust the execution accordingly.
- In addition, we welcome and encourage phone and email communications with partners and senior professionals on a regular basis.
What differentiates us is…
Our goals and guiding principles for each engagement are to...
- Meet or exceed our client's expectations.
- Provide exceptional value.
- Conduct business in a professional manner and with the highest integrity.
- We provide specific deliverables within set time frames.
We at The Financial Mall are committed to serve clients with ethics & integrity.